How to Give Your Kitchen Character
Most people, families in particular, spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so it makes sense to have that kitchen just the way you want it. One of the problems with a lot of modern kitchen design, particularly in housing estates, whether private or council, is that the design tends to be uniform.
Family life has changed dramatically over the last fifty years or so. Most families are now dual wage, whereas in the past, the man brought home the bacon, which the wife dutifully cooked. Nonetheless, most families tend to want to get together to catch up on their various days, and the traditional place for doing that is the kitchen.
Kitchen Style
The pundits are always going on about that ephemeral thing called style, when what they usually mean is character. If you want to give your kitchen some character, then it makes sense to gather ideas and plan the look. Not everyone can either afford or carry out a full makeover, but there are still things that you can do to make a room your own.
If you look at the newspapers and magazines, or watch TV makeover shows, there seems to be a trend towards what might be termed the traditional kitchen. Colour choices, as well as certain other touches, can take your kitchen out of the same realm as that of your neighbours, and into something that reflects you and your taste.
Giving Your Kitchen a Character of its Own
Many modern kitchens now have an island in the middle of the room, and this can be a great place to gather with the family. Change the look of your kitchen with open shelving rather than the usual closed kitchen units. If you live in rented accommodation and can’t make major alterations, change the paintwork. If the rules allow, fix some hooks into the ceiling and hang saucepans and kitchenware from these. If you want your kitchen to hark back to the past then choose distressed looking paint for units and doors.
Your Taste is Important
Your taste is important, and if the kitchen is the place where most families tend to congregate at least once a day, then you want it to look welcoming – in the sense that it reflects how you see yourselves. Giving your kitchen a character that reflects who you are can make it the hub of the home. Whether you like stark white and modern in the kitchen, or your ideas run to something more eclectic, the kitchen should reflect your taste.
Contact our team to discuss your design needs.